Friday, April 1, 2011

What is Food Poisoning?

Food poisoning is a very common ailment that everyone suffers from at some stage in their life. Usually, food poisoning is mild but there can be instances under which the situation might become serious. Fatality due to food poisoning is very rare and happens only if there is no medical intervention at the right stage. More than 25 million food related illnesses are reported in the United States alone. As many as 3000 deaths in United States are also attributed to food poisoning.
The resistance to food poisoning is also dependent on the person’s immune system. There are cases wherein different people who have consumed the same contaminated food have shown very different reactions. Many a times, food poisoning is caused when a person is traveling to a different place and is not able to take sufficient care of their food habits.
This is popularly known as traveler’s diarrhea or Montezuma’s revenge. Food poisoning can occur due to variety of reasons but most cases are due to poor hygienic practices by those who handle the food. Sometimes, undercooked or improperly cooked food can also lead to food poisoning.
Food Poisoning
Source : flickr

Types of Food Poisoning

It is widely believed that as many as 250 known diseases can be transmitted through food thus it is safe to say that there are different types of food poisoning depending on the causes of food poisoning. Food poisoning may be caused by Viruses such as Nanovirus, Rotavirus and Hepatitis A or bacteria such as Salmonellar, Campylobacter, Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli (E coli), Shigella (traveler’s diarrhea), Listeria monocytogene, Clostridium botulinum (botulism), Vibrio cholerae, and Vibrio parahaemolyticus. Parasites seldom cause food poisoning and are known for mild but long lasting symptoms. These include Giardia (beaver fever) and Cryptospordium.  Toxic agents causing food poison include Mushroom toxins, Ciguatera poisoning, Scombroid. Many a times, pesticides also cause food poisoning. These are usually transmitted inside the human body by consuming fruits and vegetables that have not been washed properly. Among these, most common forms of food poisoning are caused by Salmonella, Shigella, Campylobacter, E. Coli. All these major infections occur from bacteria that live in the intestines of other animals such as birds, cattle, reptiles and mammals. Infection by certain strains of E.Coli in children can even cause kidney failure.
Source : flickr

Food Poisoning Symptoms

The symptoms of food poisoning vary depending on the types of food poisoning. This includes the nature of the contaminant that has caused the food poisoning and the quantity of contaminated food that has been consumed by an individual. Also, the time taken for the body to show the food poisoning symptoms also varies with the type of food poisoning. It can be fast and start showing up in as less as 30 minutes or can be very slow and could keep worsening and spread over few days to weeks depending on the type of food poisoning. Some of the common food poisoning symptoms are nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and abdominal cramping.

Food Poisoning Causes

Broadly, the causes of food poisoning can be divided into two categories. Food poisoning that is caused by viruses, bacteria and parasites are generally grouped into one category and are known as Infectious agents. The second category, toxic agents, includes poisonous mushroom, pesticides over eatables, and improperly prepared food. Most often food becomes contaminated either by poor preparation techniques or poor sanitation. It is very important for food handlers to keep themselves very hygienic.  Most cases of non accidental food poisoning can be reduced by practicing a high level of hygiene. Other reasons for contamination include poorly packaged food or food that is stored at wrong conditions of temperature. It is not uncommon for people to consume foods that are beyond the expiry date. This practice may not always lead to noticeable health issues but it is something that should be strictly avoided under all circumstances.

Food Poisoning Diagnosis

In case of food poisoning an individual will have to visit a medical practitioner or a hospital for the basic examination followed by a thorough physical examination. This is primarily done to locate any outward signs and food poisoning symptoms. A thorough inspection of the abdominal is also conducted to ensure that there are no serious food poisoning symptoms. Also, the extent of dehydration in the patient is estimated and necessary fluids are injected into the patient’s body. Also, a sample of stool is tested for any blood or mucus to trace the cause of food poison. Instances of the stool and vomit being sent to laboratory for further testing are not uncommon. This is primarily done to trace out the type of food poisoning. Though not common, a rectal examination is also done at times done to check for any rupture in the rectum as this may also cause the presence of blood in the stool sample. A urine test is also carried out in order to get an idea about the extent of dehydration. Blood tests, or X-rays of the abdomen along with a CT-scan might also be required.

Food Poisoning Treatment and Remedies

Most cases of food poisoning are not serious and do not require a medical intervention. Vomiting and Diarrhea that last for less than a day can usually be treated at home. It should be noted that severe vomiting and diarrhea may need immediate medical intervention. As food poisoning is usually accompanied by nausea and vomiting. It is strongly advised to stay abstain from solid foods during this time. This helps cleanse the bowels. Vomiting and diarrhea lead to dehydration of the individual. Hence, it becomes necessary to supplement the body fluids by drinking clear liquids. The liquids need to be taken in small quantities but at very frequent intervals. This is a great food poisoning treatment.

Food Poisoning Treatment and Remedies

Source : flickr
Alcohol or caffeine products should be completely avoided during this phase. These liquids have the potential to complicate the situation. Food poisoning treatment also includes consuming yydration products such as Pedialyte and Rehydralyte that are good for the body and are available over the counter. Though expensive, these are very useful to rehydrate the body in a very short span of time.
Other food poisoning remedies include consuming tea with lemon and ginger. Consuming buttermilk that has ginger paste in it at least two to three times a day is also beneficial. Papaya is also helps treat food poisoning. Take papaya cubes and boil it along with two glasses of water for twenty minutes. Drain this mixture and consume it at least two times a day. This is an effective food poisoning treatment.
Herbal teas with chamomile, mint, blackberry or raspberry can also be consumed to treat food poisoning. Fenugreek and cumin seeds when powdered and consumed with water offer relief from food poisoning and this is an effective food poisoning remedy.
Adults can take over the counter medicines in specified doses but such medicines should not be given to children without medical consultation.
Plain foods should be taken once there is a reduction in vomiting and nausea. Food items like rice, wheat breads, potatoes, low-sugar cereals are widely recommended to start the diet. Most people do not show any ill effects to milk but there have been cases wherein patients have developed complications due to lactose intolerance.

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